Geek Deep

Tapping the Limitless Potential of Masters, Makers, and Missionaries on the Fringe

A book for business leaders and geeks around the world. Geek Deep is a book about unlocking potential and finding your passion by embracing your inner geek, filled with stories of successful geeks and their communities. It explores the almost super-human abilities that obsession allows geeks to access - and tells the stories of successful geeks and their communities.

Get Your Geek On!

  • About the Author

    Matt Meuleners has more than 20 years of experience as a Talent Development professional. He is a leadership trainer, executive coach, keynote speaker, and author. Matt is a managing partner at FOCUS Training. He is also a huge geek.

    Star Wars, Dungeons & Dragons, Hearthstone, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Dragonball Z, Harry Potter...the list goes on.

    Above all these though, Matt is obsessed with geeks. With a team of talented researchers and collaborators, he spent years exploring the geekosystem - the myriad communities of geeks on the fringes of mainstream society.

  • Watch the TEDx talk that inspired the book.

    Leadership Lessons from the Fringe

    As a professional facilitator and keynote speaker for years, Matt Meuleners has combined his message of integrity in leadership with a youthful energy and sense of humor that allows him to connect with an audience.

    This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

  • Book Clubs

    Looking for a way to keep your team engaged? A book club is a great solution regardless of where your team members are located. The most challenging part is often choosing the book! We’ve got you covered!

    Geek Deep is now available in book club packs. Each pack includes a free business book club guide, filled with comprehensive discussion questions and team-building activities.

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